Nov 19, 2013

Thanksgiving and holiday entertaining is in full swing!  We know you're all preoccupied planning meals and getting the house clean before your big dinners, so why not keep your decor simple this year.  No need to go out an buy expensive candles or pricey DIY materials, sometimes using what you've already got is all it takes. Take a look at some of our ideas below!

1. Keep It Organic

Two organic artichokes.: Two organic artichokes on a wooden board.Autumn Is Coming 

Sometimes, keeping it simple and organic is the way to go when planning a busy dinner.  Don't underestimate the power of a few perfectly placed gourds, pine cones and artichokes. 

2. Mix'n Match Dishes, Glasses, and Textures 
Entertaining - A coffee table with drinks and snacks for cocktail hour
Image via Lonny
Thanksgiving is where everyone comes together for a mixture warm fall flavors.  Why not make your table and cocktail decor more eclectic by placing glass, wooden, ceramic, and metallic elements all on one table.   

3. Opt For Non-Traditional Linen Colors
Pumpkin Pie
Purple or eggplant, dark green, grey, white, all are great table alternatives if you're looking to switch up the traditional thanksgiving look. 

4. The Small Details 
Frosted fruit table decoration | Budget Christmas table ideas | Dining room | PHOTO GALLERY | Ideal Home |
Image via House to Home
Centerpiece Idea: Powdered sugar on winter fruit.


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