Nov 21, 2013

Wreath: A Christmas wreath on a door.

While moving over the holidays may seem like a stressful process, Kellie Gragg, The Realtor Who Cares, is here to help. With a little advice and some quick holiday home staging, buying and selling this season may be a lot simpler than expected. 

For all your Real Estate Needs call 
The Realtor Who Cares
Kellie Gragg
Phone Number: 205-410-1005 

 3 Ways to Improve Holiday Staging

1. Put all wrapped presents away 

wrapped present: none
  • Presents create clutter, and your ultimate goal is to highlight your space.  Rid your floors and tables of bulky items and showcase the clean lines of your home to potential home buyers.  Seeing is believing
2. Stick to white holiday lights

Christmas Time: no description
  • To keep your space warm and inviting, opt for white strands of lights instead of colored ones.  Too much color can distract the eye and could negatively impact the look of a your space.  
2. Bring the outdoors in

  • Of course, we all know that adding a few plants or flowers can be great for home staging.  However over the holidays, you can opt for a more rustic look by using outdoor elements from your yard.  Pine cones, twigs, stunning branches, place everything in a large vase and you'll have cheap and easy table decor that is not distracting.  

Now that your home is ready to sell, you may need help finding your dream home!  Give Kellie Gragg of Legacy Home Realty a call (205-410-1005) and start satisfying all your real estate wishes.

FEBRUARY 13 - 16, 2014