Jan 6, 2014

William Moss is an edible garden guru encouraging everyone to Get Out and Grow. His talent for growing and gardening in even the smallest of spaces has gotten him noticed by national TV networks, and his recently published book Any Size, Anywhere, Edible Gardens explores how gardeners of any experience level can grow their own food.

William will bring his enthusiasm and passion for gardening to the Oklahoma City Home + Garden Show, Jan. 17-19. But before he hits the stage, we had a brief chat to learn just what makes him tick – both in and out of the garden.

Get to Know Will 
Q. What is your design or gardening pet peeve?
A. Boring, unimaginative landscapes. Landscapes should be ornamental, functional and maybe even tasty. Don't plant a row of green shrubs. Plant a staggered row with evergreens in the back and blueberries, roses or hydrangeas in the front. When you plant your tomatoes surround them with marigolds, nasturtiums or oregano to spice things up. Increasing your variety and trying new plants are the ways to make your landscape interesting and attractive all season long.
Q. What famous figure(s) inspires your career? 
A. Gardening and landscaping are part science and part art. The people who inspire me are intelligent, creative and innovative, like George Washington Carver, Frank Lloyd Wright, David Attenborough and Martha Stewart.
Q. Name 3 items in your kitchen that you could not live without.  
A. 1. Cast iron skillet. The 10" size is my favorite for making a garden fresh omelet, roasting newly harvest potatoes or even saucing home grown tomatoes.
2. Electric tea pot for my garden tea blends and heating up my twins' bottles.
3. Spice carousel for the many flavorful herbs from the garden.    

And speaking of flavorful herbs, William wanted to share his step-by-step instructions on how to grow Thai Basil right in your own kitchen (or anywhere with a light-filled window).

Growing Tasty Thai Basil
    Fresh basil: Fresh organic basil isolated
  • Six-Inch Pot with Saucer or Tray
  • Potting Soil Mix
  • Thai Basil (Ocimum basilicum ‘Siam Queen’) seeds
  • Plastic Wrap or Clear Lid
Grow it!
1.      Fill pot with potting mix leaving one inch between soil surface and top of rim.
2.      Scatter several seeds and press into top of soil.
3.      Place pot in sink and gently water until saturated (take care not to wash seeds out of pot).
4.      Cover with plastic wrap or lid and place on sunny windowsill.
5.      After a week or so when seeds begin sprouting, remove cover.
6.      Water regularly as plants grow, every two to three days or when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch.
7.      Once plants have four sets of leaves, you can begin harvesting. After a couple months when plants become too leggy, harvest everything and begin again.

Two or three leaves are enough to season any seafood or poultry dish. Thai basil is excellent in shrimp and shellfish stews and stir-fries. As with any fresh herbs, add the leaves during the last three minutes of cooking for the best flavor.